Saturday 19 July 2008

Day 12 - Campo Creativo

Now the shower is taking shape, details start to be added, such as a shelf, tidying up the surrounding area.... and Pixie's favourite part: the plants!

This Bali-inspired shower room is now a beautifully welcoming and useful addition which fits in nicely with the very fine adjacent stone “alberca” (water deposit) – and has been built entirely with materials found in Pixie's shed and land!

The only thing that has been purchased are the plants, who will now thrive happily – this is a shower to splash about in!

"I'm a little teapot..."

Also, the used shower water runs through a small cannal to the nearby plants, which are the water-thirsty variety – so everybody wins!

A very enjoyable working creative Saturday culminates with everyone taking a well-earned shower - sorry, no photos of the group shower available ;)

A very satisfied pair of creatives...

Pixie, Ras, neighbour Keith and wwoofers Vicky and Eddie all head off to Etnosur, a festival held a couple of hours away in the town of Alcala la Real.

The party troupe with the protection of the greenheart...

Not feeling up to the hussle-and-bussle of a big urban party, Danny and Ana stay behind to watch over land, cacti, veggies and dogs, and we enjoy a very magical nightime moonlit tour of Pixieland... what a place! It's hard to imagine that when she bought it, Pixie was told she could never make anything of this land. A few short years later, and thanks to her own strength and determination, this place is truly a slice of paradise. Here are some piccies....

Pixie's outdoor living room:

A very fine double-chambered composting toilet:

Lovingly cared-for ancient olive trees are dotted around...

Rainbow living!

How lucky we were to find the Pixie at the bottom of the garden!

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