Friday 11 July 2008

Days 3 & 4: living Earthship

Thursday was spent sieving and painting, as we were determined to leave our small mark on this ground-breaking and monumental project. Of course, we also cooked, ate and drank with the family and their visiting Ozzie friends! (Tara's pancake recipe was well received here... ;)

A lively bunch in front of the now-green entrance of the Earthship!

Chatting, exchanging books and information, enjoying nature... a very fulfilling visit in many ways.

On Friday the scorching 'poniente' wind made it too hot to do an ounce of work, so we visited the neighbouring town of Alcudia, swam in the very cool 'acequia' (water cannal) near the house, walked in the forest and continued munching and exchanging... into the night, when the boys got out their guitars and we all sang under the moonlight! What a treat, to partake in the harmonizing of experienced musicians like Oscar Briz and Lisa!

A passionate and rather hilarious musical soirée...

This talented, kind family have given us a wonderful experience... and a glimpse of how much hard work is involved in building an Earthship! Be warned, this is one project that is not suited for anything other than very determined, organised, hard-working eco-builders.

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